About Us
Our family has been in the Pizza Business on the East Coast since 1954 and has been making Frozen Pizza Dough since 1962.
In 1991 Lamonica’s Pizza Dough International, Inc. was born and began producing Frozen Pizza dough in Los Angeles. We now have five state-of-the-art Frozen Dough Facilities. We have always been committed to making a dough ball that tastes like it was made “last night” in the Pizza Kitchen.
Experienced HACCP-trained bakers produce all dough balls using the best ingredients. Our bakers, both in N.Y. and L.A., with over 150 years of combined industrial pizza production experience, will assure you a consistent quality product all year round. Additionally, our products' quality, consistency, and safety are ensured by our experience and added steps of X‐RAYING every dough ball.
Today, Lamonica’s Pizza Dough International, Inc. manufactures more than 100 million pounds of frozen pizza dough per year out of two facilities in Vernon, CA, one facility in Sacramento, CA, one facility in Brooklyn, NY, and one facility in Italy. We only use 100% natural ingredients.
Our Company’s focus is to make pizza dough only, the best in the market. Our strengths are the “all‐natural ingredients” approach, competitive pricing, the consistency of our quality, and the company's reliability.